Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Ways to Say Thank You in Spanish

Chances are that one of the first words you learned in Spanish is gracias, the most common way to say thanks or thank you. Gracias is, of course, a useful word and should top any list of words Spanish students should learn. How To Use Gracias, a  Word for Thanks If you wish to indicate what youre giving thanks for, use the preposition por to mean for: Gracias por el regalo, which means thank you for the gift. If you want to say thank you very much, you can use muchas gracias or even muchà ­simas gracias. Also common is mil gracias, literally a thousand thanks. As you might guess, gracias is closely connected with—technically, its a cognate—the English word grace. The connection can be seen most easily if you remember that giving a prayer of thanks before a meal is sometimes known as saying grace. Gracia, the singular form of gracias, also has some of the other meanings of grace. Some examples of how gracias can be used: Gracias por ser quien eres. (Thank you for being who you are.)Gracias por tu comprensià ³n. (Thanks for your understanding.)Gracias a las lluvias de este aà ±o hemos podido disfrutar de estas cascadas. (Thanks to this years rains we have been able to enjoy these waterfalls.)Gracias, mi amigo, por todo lo que me das. (Thank you, my friend, for everything you give me.)Sobre todo, te doy las gracias por hacerme muy feliz. (Above all, I give you thanks for making me very happy.)Estas gracias son tambià ©n para todos vosotros. (These thanks are also for all of you.) ¡Un millà ³n de gracias a nuestros patrocinadores! (A million thanks to our sponsors!)Muchas gracias por su solicitud. (Thank you very much for your application.)Te ofrezco mis gracias sinceras. (I offer you my sincere thanks.) Agradecer and Related Words If youve gone beyond learning the basics of Spanish, you also can use the verb agradecer, which is used to express gratitude, appreciation or thanks. Two related words are also in common use: agradecido (grateful, appreciative or thankful) and agradecimiento (appreciation or gratitude). Note that agradecer is irregularly conjugated if youre speaking about yourself in the present tense. So agradezco is the form to use to say something such as I am grateful or I appreciate. Following the conjugation pattern of conocer, it is also irregular in some other forms youre less likely to use. Te agradezco el regalo. (I appreciate the gift.)Me siento agradecido (agradecida if youre female) por el regalo. (I feel grateful for the gift.)Estoy agradecido (agradecida if youre female) por el regalo. (I am grateful for the gift.)Quizà ¡s no estaban agradecidos por el favor que hice por ellos. (Perhaps they never appreciated the favor that you did for them.)Les agradecemos por su donacià ³n para los nià ±os. (We appreciate your donation for the children.)Me dijo que me agradecà ­a mucho por el fin de semana. (She told me that she was grateful to me for the weekend.)Los propietarios merecen muchos agradecimientos por su generosidad. (The owners deserve much appreciation for their generosity.)Es importante que cada familia cree una cultura de agradecimiento. (Is it important that each family create a culture of gratitude.)

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